Sure. This means the sound chip is stand-alone. Previously, the audio output was handed by the CPU we were using (the Teensy 3.6).
The quality of the audio output is super important, since we have a "good" tone that needs to be pleasant and ergonomic. It's relatively easy to produce an annoying "warning" tone, but it's tougher to produce something that doesn't interfere with other cockpit audio.
Hi Cal,
Sure. This means the sound chip is stand-alone. Previously, the audio output was handed by the CPU we were using (the Teensy 3.6).
The quality of the audio output is super important, since we have a "good" tone that needs to be pleasant and ergonomic. It's relatively easy to produce an annoying "warning" tone, but it's tougher to produce something that doesn't interfere with other cockpit audio.
Thanks for the question!